Kartik Braj Darshan with Vrindavan Today (Day 28): Haritriveni Rasik Bihari Temple
The place where the temple stands today at the confluence of Nidhivan, Sevakunj and Kishorvan, holds special significance in Vrindavan as the meeting point of the three rasik shiromanis, Swami Haridas, Mahaprabhu Hit Harivansh, and Shri Hariram Vyas. It is hence known as Hari Triveni.
2021-11-13 (Vrindavan Today News): Situated close to Bankhandi Mahadev Temple on the Atkhamba-Bankhandi road is the ancient temple of Rasik Bihari. He was the ‘aradhya’ of Haridasi Parampara’s sixth acharya, Shri Rasik Dev. The Deity’s appearance in Nidhivan dates back to the time of Swami Lalit Bhanudev.

The place where the temple stands today at the confluence of Nidhivan, Sevakunj and Kishorvan, holds special significance in Vrindavan as the meeting point of the three rasik shiromanis, Swami Shri Haridas – the incarnation of Lalita Sakhi, Shri Hit Harivansh Mahaprabhu – incarnation of Lord Krishn’s flute and Shri Hariram Vyas – incarnation of Vishakha sakhi. It is hence known as Hari Triveni or Haritrayi Sthaan. 500 years ago, it was an entirely forested region (nikunj). Shri Rasik Dev served Rasik Bihari ji here nearly 300 years ago.

Rasik Bihari travelled to many places including Udaipur, Dwarka, Jungarh, Chittor and later settled temporarily in Dungarpur Rajasthan before returning to Vrindavan in 1755 AD. Thakur ji told Rasik Dev in a dream that He is in possession of his ancestors at Dungarpur from where He must be brought back to Dham immediately. Acharya ji at once sent his disciples Sudama Das and Nagri Das to Rajasthan to fulfil His wish. The king who was also apprised of the divine will by Rasik Bihari Himself in another dream set Him off for Vrindavan in a grand palanquin.
After coming here the deity rested at Kalideh until His abode near Bankhandi was ready. While digging for the temple, a vigraha of Kalimardan was found at the site. Rasik Dev wanted to establish it elsewhere, but when Kalimardan gave him a vision saying He wants to be consecrated next to Thakur ji, he complied.
The temple was built by Rasik Dev’s disciple Govardhandas. According to Vrindavandhamnuragawali a samaj was organised soon after the deity was placed in the shrine. It is also mentioned that together with Rasik Dev, Narhari Dev, Pitambar Dev, Hari Dev and Krishna Sharan also served Rasik Bihari.
Gorelal Thakur, served by Haridasi Sampradaya’s fifth acharya Narhari Dev, is also worshiped here. The temple follows the rules of apras seva. Rasik Bihari’s bhog is prepared on cow dung cakes or wood.