The United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) New York Office joins Jiva Group India and Vrindavan Today in key meeting to address the urban challenges

2024.11.08 (Vrindavan Today News): Jiva Group India and Vrindavan Today hosted a key meeting with Ms. Francesca De Ferrari, Programme Management Officer at the UN-Habitat New York Office, via online mode, to address the urban challenges facing Vrindavan. The meeting focused on sustainable solutions for the town, balancing growth with the preservation of its cultural and natural heritage. Mr. Prashant Shekhar Yadav, Heritage Site Researcher at Jiva Group and former Diplomat at the UN Headquarters New York, moderated the discussions, bringing together local and international stakeholders. Key participants included Dr. Satyanarayana Dasa Baba Ji, Founder and Director of Jiva Group India and Jiva Institute Vrindavan, Dr. Jaya Devi, Secretary of Jiva Institute Vrindavan and Bhakti Yoga Instructor, and Mr. Jagannath Poddar, Editor-in-Chief of Vrindavan Today, Director of Friends of Vrindavan, and Joint Secretary/CEO of the Braj Temples’ Alliance – Braj Vrindavan Devalaya Samiti.

Dr. Satyanarayana Dasa Baba Ji shared insights into Shri Krishna and Vrindavan’s ancient landscape, recalling a time when the town was surrounded by lush forests and the Yamuna River. He emphasized the need to restore this natural balance to preserve the town’s spiritual and ecological heritage. Mr. Jagannath Poddar highlighted ongoing tree plantation efforts that are addressing deforestation in the region, while Dr. Jaya Devi shared concerns about the rising pollution in the Yamuna River and the increasing challenges of waste management. Ms. Francesca De Ferrari provided important guidance on how Vrindavan can collaborate with the UN-Habitat India Country Office in New Delhi to address urban challenges such as waste management, overcrowding at pilgrimage sites and environmental conservation. The meeting emphasized the urgent need for sustainable solutions to Vrindavan’s growing urban issues. Combining local knowledge with global expertise, the collaboration between Jiva Group India, Vrindavan Today, and UN-Habitat aims to preserve Vrindavan’s heritage while improving the quality of life for its residents. This initiative aligns with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 11, focusing on sustainable urban development in heritage towns and cities worldwide.