Pakistani National Convicted for Molesting Ukranian Minor

2024.02.10 (Vrindavan Today News): A Pakistani National living in Vrindavan on student visa has been convicted for molesting a minor Ukranian girl in Vrindavan. The Special Judge overseeing cases under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act, Mr. Ram Raj Dwivedi, has delivered a significant verdict, sentencing a Pakistani individual to 20 years in prison and imposing a fine of ₹23,000 for molesting a minor from Ukraine in Vrindavan. This verdict is crucial for raising awareness about child protection and ensuring justice for victims of sexual abuse.

The accused had arrived from Pakistan on a student visa and was residing in Vrindavan while pretending to practice devotion, was found guilty in court. The case, led by Special Public Prosecutor Ramvir Yadav, revolves around an appalling incident where the accused, Anand Kumar, son of Tulsi Sanyal assaulted the 13-year-old daughter of Ukrainian nationals on August 31, 2020, in Vrindavan.

Anand Kumar, the convicted, originally hails from Karachi, Pakistan, and had been residing in India on a student visa for nearly 18 years. He had also applied for Indian citizenship. He was residing in the Krishna Balarama Complex, Varahaghat in Vrindavan. He developed friendship with the victim’s family.

On the fateful day, the victim was alone at home. On finding her alone, Anand sexually assaulted the minor girl, who narrated the ordeal to her father on the next day.

Following the assault, the victim’s father lodged a complaint at the Vrindavan Kotwali police station on September 1, resulting in the arrest of the accused.

The victim’s parents had arrived in India on student visas and have been living in Vrindavan with their two daughters. It was revealed that the victim’s parents were divorced and living separately. The victim’s mother was in a live-in relationship with the accused following her divorce from the victim’s father. The accused used to frequently visit the victims house to meet her mother.

This incident serves as a wake-up call for society to prioritize the safety and well-being of children. It highlights the importance of vigilance and prompt action in reporting and addressing cases of child abuse. The victim’s courage in reporting the crime to her father, who swiftly sought legal recourse, is commendable and should inspire others to speak up against such atrocities.

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