by Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das

Shri Radharani of Shyam Sundar ji

To confirm the connection between Radharani, the Karttika vrata and the uniqueness of this month, Sri Rupa Goswamipada says Radha is Karttika-devi, Urjadevi, Urjesvari, and the Kartika-devata.


  1. The benefits of other vows last for only one life, but the benefits from a Karttika vow last for a 100 lives, vratasyoktam phalam janma satanugam (Skanda Purana: Hari Bhakti Vilasa 16.45)
  2. In Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu, Sri Rupa Goswamipada cites the Padma Purana to prove the special effect of observing Karttika in Vraja-dhama:

“Sri Krishna gives sense enjoyment or liberation, but never bhakti to those worshiping Him outside of Vraja Dhama, bhuktim-muktim-harir-dadyad-arcito-anyatra-sevinam. However, one will quickly obtain Hari bhakti by worshiping Damodara in Mathura/Vrndavana during Karttika—harer-bhaktir-labhyate- kartike-naraih-mathurman-sakrd-api-damodara-pujanat.”

Sri Jiva Goswamipada comments: “By the power of just once worshiping Sri Krishna in Mathura/Vrndavana during Karttika, even an UNQUALIFIED person will OBTAIN BHAVA, love for Krishna—mathura-karttikayoh-sangame-pujanam-ghatate-tada-yogyata-virahiten-api-vastu-prabhavat-prapyate- eveti-bhava.”

  1. The Skanda Purana says, “The Karttika vrata is always dear to Sri Kesavaji, sarvada-kesava-priyah. If during Karttika one performs even a few pious deeds for the pleasure of Vishnu/Krishna, one will derive indestructible benefits, kincit-kriyate-punyam-visnum-uddisya-karttike, tad-aksayam-bhavet-sarvam-satyoktam-tava-narada.”
  2. Once Sri Rupa-manjari said, “O Krishna! You delight the world with Your flute by singing the glories Kartika-devi Radha, the topmost form of pure love, prema mūrti-vara kārtika devī, kīrti gāna mukharī-kṛta vaṁśam.” (Uttkalika Vallari 11)
  3. The Padma Purana (Karttika-mahatmya) says, “Of the twelve yearly months, Kartika is the most beloved of Krishna—dvādaśāsv- api -māseṣu / kārtikaḥ -kṛṣṇa-vallabhaḥ.”

“If one performs even a little Vishnu/Krishna puja during Kartika, one will definitely attain Vaikuntha—sampūjito- viṣṇur -alpa- dadāti / vaiṣṇavaṁ -lokam -niścitaṁ.”

Shri Damodar ji of Vrindavan

“Bhagavan Sri Hari, the Master controller, will be pleased if one offers a ghee lamp, or even just relights another person’s extinguished lamp, and He will give one a good destination—dīpenāpi -hi –yatrāsau / prīyate -harir –īśvaraḥ / sugatiṁ- ca –dadāty- eva / para- dīpa –prabodhanāt.”

  1. Five Liberation Vows

In Hari Bhakti Vilasa (17), Sri Sanatana Goswami quotes the Padma Purana (Uttara-khanda chapter 115), wherein Bhagavan Sri Krishna says:

“If one performs these FIVE VOWS for the entire month of Karttika, one will attain liberation (mukti) to the spiritual realm:

  1. Stay awake both Karttika Ekadasi nights (Hari-jāgaraṇam).
  2. Daily sunrise bath (just before sunrise is best).
  3. Caring for a Tulasi plant. (Daily watering, bathing, puja, plucking leaves and manjaris, praising, respecting and circling).
  4. Finishing a charitable work previously started i.e. building a temple, digging a well.
  5. Daily offering ghee lamps (dīpas).”

Radharani Month Karttika Vrata ki jai! Kartika-devi Sri Radha ki jai! Jai Jai Sri Radhe!

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