Mudiya Purnima Giriraj Parikrama and Mela Cancelled

The unprecedented move comes in the wake of the ongoing Coronavirus Pandemic

Govardhan, 2020-06-13 (VT): Govardhan’s historic Mudiya Purnima Mela and Parikrama have been cancelled in the wake of the ongoing Coronavirus Pandemic. The unprecedented decision was taken in agreement with the saints of Braj.

Mudiya Purnima which is the second biggest religious gathering in the state of Uttar Pradesh was scheduled on July 5 (Guru Purnima) this year. Every year millions of devotees gather in Govardhan to celebrate the occasion. Many of them follow the 500-year-old tradition of shaving their heads that started with Sanatan Goswami’s disappearance in 1558. 

SDM Rahul Yadav met with the Mudiya saints in charge of Mudiya Shobhayatra. CO Jitendara Kumar, Mudiya saint Gopal Das, Vishambar Das, Panchayat Secretary Khemchand Sharma, District Minister Lakshman Thakur, and Lekhpal Gauri Shankar were in attendance along with many prominent members from the business community, including Sanju Lal – the secretary of trade body.

During the discussion the attendeess gave their suggestions in writing for the drafting of an action plan to manage the cancellation of the event. The report will be submitted to the higher-ups in the administration. 

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