- Revised DPR for Heritage City Greenfield Expressway at Raya submitted to Yamuna Authority, proposes new developments and reduced length
2023.04.19 (Vrindavan Today News): In a recent development, the length of the proposed Heritage City Greenfield Expressway at Raya, along the Yamuna Expressway, has been decreased by approximately 700 meters. The new detailed project report (DPR) for the Heritage City, prepared by Coldwell Bankers Richard Ellis (CBI) South Asia Private Limited Company, has been submitted to the Yamuna Authority after some modifications were made to the original DPR.
The 100-meter wide Greenfield Expressway will now be connected directly to the Yamuna Expressway through an interchange. The corridor will be developed on a width of 500 meters on one side and 800 meters on the other side. In addition, the expressway will be elevated at points where existing roads intersect with it, to avoid disrupting the current road network. The Yamuna Authority will now study the revised DPR.
The initial DPR prepared by Coldwell Bankers Richard Ellis (CBI) South Asia Private Limited Company required modifications. The revised DPR aims to connect Heritage City with Chaurasi Kos Parikrama Marg, Vrindavan-Mathura Ropeway Project, and NHAI’s proposed Vrindavan Bypass. The project will be developed on a public-private partnership (PPP) model.

The revised DPR also includes the development of multiple land use on the right side of the new expressway, while commercial and institutional land use will be on the left side. The development will include facilities such as car parking, resorts, hotels, yoga and naturopathy centers, an electronic bus depot, and a theological village.
The Heritage Corridor will follow UNESCO guidelines and will be based on the SRISI model (Culture, Connectivity, and Community). It will offer a glimpse of Mathura-Vrindavan and attempt to showcase villages such as Gokul, Barsana, and Nandgram associated with Shri Radhs Krishna. The riverfront will also be developed.
The project will be a part of the proposed Raya Urban Center, which spans over 9,350 hectares of the Yamuna Authority. The Green Field Expressway will connect Banke Bihari Temple from the 77th kilometer of Yamuna Expressway. The bid will be placed before the evaluation committee once it is passed by the board of Yamuna Authority. After the committee’s approval, the search for a developer company for the heritage city project will commence.
In summary, the revised DPR for the proposed Heritage City at Raya has decreased the length of the Greenfield Expressway by about 700 meters. It aims to connect Heritage City with important projects, follow UNESCO guidelines, and showcase Mathura-Vrindavan’s rich cultural heritage. The Yamuna Authority will now study the revised DPR before sending it to the government for further action.